
McHenry County’s Criminal Justice System: Trends and Issues Report

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    Loyola’s Center for Criminal Justice Research ·
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    Policy and Practice with the support of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation ·
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    and in collaboration with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority and members of the McHenry County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council ·

This report was produced for the McHenry County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council in 2019, to support county-level criminal justice planning and problem-solving. Using data and information available through state-level reporting mechanisms, the report describes the county's criminal justice system, including law enforcement, courts, and corrections, and outlines major trends in reported crime, arrests, prosecutions, sentencing and recidivism in the county during the period from 2010 through 2016. It documents an overall crime decline during this period, driven by a decline in property crime, and a long-term shift in felony sentencing, away from imprisonment and in favor of probation.