Work With Us

Integrating research and teaching is central to the Center for Criminal Justice’s mission.
Center for Criminal Justice Fellowships provide Loyola students with a mentored, applied criminal justice research experience.
Research fellows work closely with Center researchers and Center staff to conduct research on targeted projects designed to bring about systemic improvements in the criminal justice system in both Illinois and other states.
The Center’s Fellowships place undergraduate, Master’s and Doctoral students from across campus in collaborative research projects with criminal justice agencies, social service agencies and government.
The Center welcomes applicants from across disciplines. Past fellows have included students from criminal justice, political science, sociology, women’s and gender studies, math and statistics, and computer science. Fellows must be enrolled as students at Loyola University Chicago.
Fellows will:
- Participate in collaborative research projects that address criminal justice issues
- Collaborate closely with a team of faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students and stakeholders.
- Learn about the criminal justice system and efforts to make systemic improvements both locally and nationally
Chicago Neighborhoods Research Training Fellowship
Thanks to the generous support from an alumnus of Loyola’s College of Arts and Sciences, the Center for Criminal Justice (CCJ) is excited to accept applications for the Chicago Neighborhoods Training Fellowship.
This Fellowship is designed to facilitate research training and opportunities for first and second year Loyola students from Chicago and nearby communities that are impacted by violence.
This is paid fellowship. Fellows will work up to 5 hours/week. Fellows will:
- 1) Attend a Weekly Lunch and Learn seminar CCJ faculty/staff
- 2) Receive research training and mentorship
- 3) Work closely with center staff and faculty and community organizations on criminal justice oriented research projects
Interested students must submit an interest form and participate in a one-on-one interview with Center faculty/staff to learn more about the program.
Graduate Research Fellows
The Center invites Master’s and Doctoral students with quantitative or qualitative research skills, writing skills and a desire to contribute to collaborative team-based research to apply for the Center Graduate Research Fellowship.
Grad fellows will receive an hourly wage of $20 to $25/hour depending on experience. Fellows typically work up to 20 hours a week during the academic year and up to full-time in the summer.
Center fellowships work can provide the foundation for future research, including thesis or dissertation projects. Please note that the research model for this fellowship is grant-driven– Graduate Fellows do not themselves initiate independent traditional academic research projects as part of this work.
Interested students must submit an interest form, along with an emailed CV/resume that includes your research experience and skills to We will follow-up with you within two weeks of your form submission and email.
Undergraduate Research Fellows
The Center invites undergraduate students with an interest in criminal justice issues and a desire to contribute to collaborative team-based research to apply for the Center Undergraduate Research Fellowship. This program is open to any undergraduate with sophomore standing or above from any of the undergraduate programs at the university.
Undergraduate Research Fellows will received an hourly wage of $15 to $20/hour depending on experience for approximately 10 hours per week.
Interested students must submit an interest form, along with an emailed CV/resume that includes your research experience and skills and a brief writing sample to We will follow-up with you within two weeks of your form submission and email.