
Winnebago County’s Criminal Justice System: Trends and Issues Report 3rd Edition

  • Name
    Claire Fischer ·
  • Name
    Kaitlyn Foust ·
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    Cynthia Guzman ·
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    Lily Kreuter ·
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    Giulia Poropat ·
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    Christina Mazzucchi ·
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    Carly McCabe ·
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    Leti Monreal ·
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    David Olson ·
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    Henry Otto ·
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    Sophia Rana ·
  • Name
    John Specker ·
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    Donald Stemen ·
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    Amanda Ward ·
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    and Lauren Weisner ·

This report was produced for the Winnebago County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council in 2020, to support county-level criminal justice planning and problem-solving. Using data and information available through state-level reporting mechanisms, the report describes the county's criminal justice system, including law enforcement, courts, and corrections, and outlines long-term trends in reported crime, arrests, prosecutions, sentencing and recidivism in the county during the. It documents an overall crime decline through 2019, driven by a decline in property crime, a decline in arrests and criminal court filings, and a long-term shift in felony sentencing, away from imprisonment and in favor of probation.