Supporting Successful Reentry
Our research on the challenges of reentry helps inform the development of policies and programs that improve outcomes for those returning from prison.
The Problem
Resuming life following a period of imprisonment— securing stable housing, rebuilding positive connections to family and community, finding employment or returning to school, getting needed medical and mental health treatment, and remaining crime-free—is challenging. It is made more challenging in many places by inadequate release planning and a lack of post-release services, treatment, and supports. As a result, for those coming out of prison, rates of reentry failure, homelessness, substance abuse, recidivism, and return to prison are all too high.
The Project
Through a variety of research activities and projects, we support policymakers, advocates and practitioners who are working to develop more effective ways to support post-prison reintegration and improve reentry outcomes. In cooperation with the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) Planning and Research Unit, we have helped to shed light on post-release recidivism patterns and trends in Illinois, with a particular focus on the significant share of returns to prison resulting from technical violations of Mandatory Supervised Release (parole). We participate as researchers in the Illinois Reentry Council, a broad coalition of government officials, advocates, and people with lived experience working to transform the state’s reentry system. And we helped to evaluate a statewide demonstration project aimed at expanding the supply of housing for people released from Illinois prisons during the COVID-19 pandemic. But the Center’s most intensive and long-running research activity in the reentry area is our participation in the multi-site Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN). Launched by the National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2019, JCOIN is a national network of researchers collaborating with behavioral health and justice stakeholders to address the opioid crisis by improving access to treatment for people passing through the criminal justice system. Loyola’s Center participates in one of the network’s 13 clinical research “hubs,” or collaboratives of university researchers and state correctional agencies. Specifically, the Center is part of the Texas Christian University (TCU) hub, which includes TCU, the University of New Mexico and Loyola, and the state departments of corrections in Texas, New Mexico, and Illinois. As part of this collaborative, we are testing innovative ways to reduce opioid overdoses by more effectively linking a very high-risk population—recently incarcerated people under parole supervision—to substance abuse treatments in their local communities.  
We’re Working with Justice Agencies and Health Providers in Six Illinois Communities to Help Them Identify and Meet the Substance Use Treatment Needs of Returning Citizens.